When Your Brake Warning Light Turns On, What Should You Do?


It's always unsettling when a warning light pops on your dashboard out of nowhere, but it's vital not to worry. In many circumstances, you can keep driving as long as the problem is resolved soon. Other circumstances may necessitate you safely pulling over, stopping, and seeking assistance. Always stop if you're unsure.

The unexpected emergence of brake warning lights might be one of the most concerning, but does this indicate that your brakes are incredibly risky to use?

You should look for full car service near me online immediately and schedule an appointment with a skilled technician to properly diagnose and repair the problem that is causing the brake light to illuminate.

Let's look at what you should do if your brake warning light illuminates while you're driving.

What Is the Location and Appearance of The Brake Warning Light?

You should always familiarise yourself with all of the buttons and settings when you purchase a new vehicle. The dashboard's lights are included in this. If you have any questions about these lights or what they indicate, see your owner's handbook.

The placement of the brake warning light on the dashboard varies every vehicle, but it usually looks the same. The sign is a circle with an exclamation mark in the centre and rounded brackets on either side. The term 'brake' may appear under or adjacent to this in some vehicles.

Depending on the vehicle, the light may function differently. Some vehicles' lights will flash to signal urgency, while others may show in various colours to reflect the severity of the problem. For example, your brake warning light may flash amber, orange, or another colour (such as blue or green) to indicate that something needs to be addressed, however red indicates that immediate action is required.

It's crucial to check your car's owner's handbook to make sure you understand what each colour means. If you're not sure, search for full car service near me online and contact a professional car mechanic to get a better understanding about the brake warning light.

What Causes the Brake Warning Light to Illuminate?

The following events may cause your brake warning lights to flicker or become amber or red:

1.      It appears like your brake fluid is leaking.

2.      A sensor failure has caused the brake warning light to illuminate abnormally.

3.      Brake pads are worn out and need to be replaced.

4.      The hydraulic braking circuits are no longer operational.


Because you can't always feel a problem while applying the brakes, you won't be able to identify what the problem is when driving. Warning lights, on the other hand, should be taken seriously. Look online for vehicle service near me as soon as possible and book an appointment to have your brakes inspected by a professional.

When The Brake Warning Light Turns On, Do I Have to Stop Driving?

If you ever feel uncomfortable or lose control of your car while driving, pull over and stop immediately. A brake warning light, on the other hand, does not always indicate that you must stop immediately. In each case, here's what to do:

1.      If your brake warning light comes on but your brakes feel OK and your brake fluid levels are normal, search for vehicle service near me online, book an appointment with a certified technician, and continue driving to the garage. It might simply be a sensor issue.

2.      If the warning light flashes but you have to pump the brakes more than usual, pull over to the side of the road as soon as possible and call for help from your breakdown service.

After you've come to a complete stop, check the brake fluid levels. If it's safe to do so, top up your brake fluid if required and test your brakes. If the warning light turns off and your brakes feel normal, you can go gently to a repair centre. Even if you think you've corrected the problem, it's always a good idea to get your brakes examined if the warning light comes on.





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